Hotels are among the most complex and dynamic environments for
Kitchen designs. They demand open system architectures to facilitate change and
encourage the exchange of information and flexible working. Tejtara offers you Hotel table wear in Bangalore.
Having worked with small and mainline Hotels across the country, Tejtara has
become an expert in Hotel Kitchen Projects and their integration, enabling the
successful programming, design and implementation of specialized fabricated Kitchen
Equipment’s. Tejtara has an impressive portfolio of Hotels Clients and
experience. Much of our staff has worked for, with, or in Hospitality Industry
throughout their careers. We understand the client's perspective, and have a
forward-looking eye on the trends and infrastructure needs of Hotels of the
future. Tejtara has supplied commercial kitchen equipment to many of the
leading care hospitals and individual nursing homes throughout India.
also offers Hotel table wear. We provide services as Planning, Designing,
Manufacturing, Installation and Service Support. We have satisfied client base
in all industries such as MNC"s, Hotels, Hospitals, Industrial Canteens,
Resorts, Software Institutions and Clubs. All the products manufactured by tejtara
are in conformity with the national and international standards. Our cost
effective methods of production that enables us to offer quality products at
competitive prices. We have developed many groundbreaking technologies that
have resulted in highest quality products. Our commitment for quality, customer
satisfaction and perfection has taken us miles ahead of our competitors.